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HCG Diet Information


The HCG Diet plan is a calorie restriction diet and the strictest of its kind. There are good low fat foods and bad high fat foods. Useful and non-useful meats, fish, fruits, and even vegetables. So the question arises: Isn’t’ it the low calorie diet that is causing dieters to shed the pounds and not the HCG formula? Dieters say that it would be impossible for them to comfortably eat only 500 calories per day without the aid of the appetite suppressing properties of the HCG formula. Can we put comfortable and 500 calories per day in the same sentence? Users of the HCG formula exclaim that is the miracle.


How does Oral and HCG Injections Work? The idea is that both forms of this genuine HCG Hormone (By Prescription only!) is more than an average appetite suppressant. It is a powerful hormone that works with the already present hormones in the body to burn stored fats while maintaining muscle structures. The Oral HCG is administered with a dropper under the tongue, and the HCG Injections are administered via very tiny Insulin Needles into the belly fat, (best), back of upper arms, (second best), upper thighs or Buttocks.


When exercising or restricting food intake, the body relies on and consumes the normal fat reserves. The  body cannot access the abnormal fat accumulations. The use of the HCG hormone releases abnormal fat deposits and makes the fat available for consumption by the body.



Patients on both the Oral and Injection HCG program lose between 1 to 3 pounds per day. Because the HCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) makes the abnormal fat available, the body begins living off the fat – the fat provides a source of energy, just as food does. Patients are instructed to reduce food to 500 calories per day, however, hunger is not noticed because 3,500 additional calories are consumed each day by the body. The results: patients lose about 1-3 pound per day while using the HCG formula.


Human chorionic gonadotropin or the HCG formula naturally acts as an Appetite suppressant. The basis of the program is a Calorie restriction diet. Dieters find that the 500 calories diet is not difficult given the HCG formula’s powerful properties to suppress appetite. Dieters feel plenty of energy and shed 1-3 pounds per day. 


Once you complete the entire protocol and have dropped all those extra pounds and inches, the hypothalamus will literally reset your body’s weight set-point.

Unless you re-flood your body with toxins, preservatives, chemicals and high glycemic foods, your body will maintain its ideal, slim weight! Your skin will become taut and smooth. Many find the elasticity of their skin increases dramatically. HCG is being called the “weight loss cure” because of its huge success. Hcg, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, is a sublingual (liquid) treatment or Subcutaneous (Injection) treatment that targets the areas where you have excess fat storage and rapidly burns the fat, safely and without hunger. Studies have shown that the average person loses 20 to 30 pounds a month (one pound per day) and has no side effects.



Prescription HCG Injections vs Prescription HCG Drops

If you’re ready to hop onto the fat-burning band wagon, then you’re probably at a crossroads as to which type of HCG is right for you – injections or drops? Despite the fact that many people argue over the quality and potency of both forms, they’re essentially similar products that offer similar weight loss benefits.

Since both forms of HCG treatment are effective, it’s more of a preference of application rather than the quality of the HCG. The injections ensure 100 percent absorption into the bloodstream but they do tend to be on the expensive side, tedious to use, and like with all needles, they do poke a little bit. This can present a few potential side effects such as rash and itching at the injection site, and if the needle is used incorrectly, it can be painful. They’re not as user-friendly as the prescription grade drops. If you want to use HCG injections you can enroll to purchase them here.


The drops are non-invasive and painless, and they’re extremely easy to prepare and use. You do however need a higher dose than the injections to offset the lower absorption rate of a sublingual medicine.


There’s no getting around the fact that HCG prescription is most effective when it’s injected directly into the bloodstream. However, most people avoid having to receive injections, let alone administer it themselves at their own hands. That’s where HCG drops are extremely more attractive over the injections.


Prescription HCG Vs Homeopathic Drops – Knowing Which to Use

Having decided to use drops instead of injections, your next question should be ‘which type of HCG drops should I use’? You are faced with the option of either homeopathic or prescription HCG drops and each have advantages in specific scenarios.


For example, real HCG drops (prescription), are more effective than homeopathic drops for those with very high weight loss goals. If you’re fairly large, and you’ve got a ways to go, you’ll want prescription grade to start with. You’ll lose weight fast and effectively. On the other hand, homeopathic drops are strongly encouraged if you’ve got less than 25 pounds to lose. Why? HCG works differently when you’re on the tail end of your weight loss goals. The body’s natural reaction is to store more fat than it’s burning when you’ve only got those last, stubborn, few pounds to lose. HCG triggers the hormones necessary to tell the brain to keep on burning. This is where conventional HCG may be best left on the shelf in favor of the homeopathic alternative. The only exception I find to this general rule is when Metabolic disoreders due to aging and/or other apparent disorders of the Metabolism are present.


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